Stop TB Partnership KOREA. Leading the fight against TB. A partnership hosted by UNOPS

TB Education for the Vulnerable

Stop-TB Partnership Korea visited Seoul's Ongdalsam Drop-in Center on December 21 to provide the last education program of the year to more than 40 homeless people on tuberculosis prevention which focused on general information about tuberculosis and countermeasures against it.

The Stop-TB Partnership Korea conducted a nationwide tuberculosis education for foreign workers, the homeless, and North Korean refugees who are especially vulnerable to tuberculosis, carrying out 140 sessions for 7,516 people. Along with training activities for these tuberculosis vulnerable populations, the STOP-TB Partnership Korea provides an early detection program for tuberculosis patients in vulnerable strata, the support for treatment cost and DOTS for vulnerable patients.

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COPYRIGHT(C) Stop TB Partnership KOREA. All Rights Reserved.
57 Baumoero 6(yuk)-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, 06763, Republic of Korea    |    Tel:02-2633-9465    l    Fax:02-575-9465    l