Stop TB Partnership KOREA. Leading the fight against TB. A partnership hosted by UNOPS

Report on the Results of Visiting Mongolia High-ranking Officials

From April 3 to 8, 2017, a member of the local business team of the Mongolian representatives of the Korean National Tuberculosis Association, including senior officials from Mongolia, visited Korea and met with Korean health officials and business partners.

The goal of this domestic invitation was:
• To establish draft business extension plan and draw business agreements with partner organizations in Korea and overseas
• To acquire skills and knowledge about TB management and health care system in Korea and in advanced countries
• To improve understanding of the project
• Maintain and develop cooperative relations among stakeholders

The details included:
• Education focused on health and TB history, policies and institutional support in Korea
• Determination of the efficiency and effectiveness of the mobile screening program for the active discovery and treatment of patients with active TB
• Attending international seminars to understand national strategies for combating international security and global TB
• Visiting public health centers and TB research institutes related to tuberculosis control.

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